Hi readers, friends and family,
I haven't had a lot of time to blog lately. We had an extremely stressful week... and a very close call.

I went about my normal day, and came home around 12:30pm to walk and play with the babies. But this time when I came home, I was horrified. Roxy had thrown up this dark brown gravy in oil looking substance that surrounded her kennel. I cleaned her up and called Thomas immediately. He asked me if her vomit looked like coffee grounds (which can be a sign of digested blood from internal bleeding). I didn't think it looked like coffee grounds, but I called the vet anyway. I wanted to take her in right away but they wouldn't be able to see her until the following morning. Later that evening when both Thomas and I were home, I began to cuddle and comfort Roxy in the living room. I immediately recognized her body language when her heart began to pound and she was continously licking her lips and snout. I rushed her to the wooden floor where I could more easily clean up her vomit. This time it looked more like coffee grounds and there was a lot more of it. I got a sample of it in a small tupperwear container and once again, cleaned up.
The next morning Roxy hadn't thrown up at all. I had high hopes that her issue was working itself out, but we still took her to the vet. We go to Aspen Tree Animal Hospital that we LOVE. Thomas let me know when he dropped her off. He hadn't really heard anything after a couple of hours so I decided to call on my own. I talked to a really sweet vet tech who told me our vet, Becky, would call me back after she saw Roxy. Becky called me back about an hour later. Her first words were
"I'm really concerned about Roxy". My heart dropped and I teared up. About four years ago, I heard the same thing when I took my two month old kitten, PJ, to the vet after throwing up. I ended up having to put him down due to a congenital disease. At that moment, I feared the same for Roxy.
"I'm really concerned about Roxy". My heart dropped and I teared up. About four years ago, I heard the same thing when I took my two month old kitten, PJ, to the vet after throwing up. I ended up having to put him down due to a congenital disease. At that moment, I feared the same for Roxy.
Becky explained that her main concern was that Roxy was very dehydrated from throwing up. She said that she also felt a large mass or object in her large intestine after palpating her belly. We both agreed that she had probably swallowed something she wasn't supposed to. It was unable to pass through her large intestine because of the dehydration. They told me they were going to put her on IV fluids and keep her over night. They hoped that once she was hydrated she would be able to pass the foreign object. They warned me that if this didn't happen, they would have to do surgery. The next day at noon, she still hadn't passed it, but hadn't thrown up in 24 hours. I dropped in to help walk her to see if she could poop while I was there.
She is pretty timid so I thought my presence could help normalize the situation. She still couldn't pass it and they told me they wanted to keep her another night.
She is pretty timid so I thought my presence could help normalize the situation. She still couldn't pass it and they told me they wanted to keep her another night.
At about 5:00pm they called me back and informed me that after "two enamas, a can of high fiber dog food, a light jog", she hadn't passed it, but they were able to get it out without surgery. I won't go into detail about how they did this ;) Roxy had swallowed a small block of wood, some string, some grass and some plastic. I know she is a compulsive eater (I mean like everything, edible or not),I try to prevent this as much as possible... but she had still managed to scarf these things up. On their way through her intestinal tract and stomach, they scraped along the lining and caused internal bleeding. This was the brown substance I noticed in her vomit.
We got her back that night. I had never been happier to have her cuddled up in my lap while we watched movies.
I guess what I can tell you I learned from this, is that dark brown dog vomit is absolutley NOT normal and is cause for concern. It can mean a couple of things: the dog has been poisoned, she has swallowed a foreign body, or she has stomach ulcers. All of these things are dangerous and can even be fatal. When your dog is throwing up (as gross as it is), pay attention to the contents, the color, and the consistency... you'll be doing her a favor! Be careful if your dog tends to compulsively eat anything! Supervision can prevent all of this.
To help avoid this happening on walks, I bought Roxy a "Gentle Leader". This is an attachment for a leash that wraps around the dogs snout. It makes it uncomfortable for them to pull and impossible to reach their snouts to the ground if you keep an small amount of slack.
This is a loan company that can help you pay for unexpected vet bills. Obviously we weren't planning on having to pay a $700 vet bill, so Aspen Tree recommended them. Care Plan gives you a loan for vet costs. Once you apply, they will tell you what amount you qualify for. There is no APR if you pay it off within 1 year of taking out the loan. This can be very worth it if you pay it off on time.
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