Roxy and Guinness got to meet their Auntie Alex this weekend. She was in town for my birthday and we had a blast hanging out in Durango. Alex and I decided to go shopping downtown Durango.
There aren't a ton of places to shop here, but it isn't short on little trinket shops and boutiques on Main avenue.
I love walking Roxy downtown because she gets exposure to other dogs, people and new sounds and smells.

One of the things that Alex and I enjoy doing as sisters is getting all dolled up together. There's some sort of bonding that goes on between to females as we curl each other's hair and apply eyeshadow. Although we both tend to be more overdressed than everyone in Durango when we do this, it's still a blast. It's like a rite of our sisterhood. What kind of dog-mom would I be if I didn't include Roxy too? She's a girl dog, after all.
To clarify, I'm not one of those dog owners that makes their pet wear booties and dresses and bonnets. I think it's mean and tacky. Cesar always emphasizes that we do not want our dogs to think that they are little people dressed up in furry dog suits. They need to know they are your dogs, not your kids.
But, I do have a sweater that I put on her from time to time. This is mostly when it's cold outside. AmStaffs have short hair and a sleek coat that does not make for perfect protection from cold weather. And it snowed this day so it was necessary.
She also debuted her new spiky pink collar. Its still a bit big on her but she looked really cute!
My sister Alex is....eccentric. I may be one of few people that

understand her sense of humor. In addition to the pink pedicure that she gave to my male, Guinness.... she gave one to Roxy as well. It did look quite fitting on Roxy, but I felt guilty for letting my fine boy be emasculated.

Roxy tends to attract attention when we are in public without being dolled up. With her black eye patch and her remaining puppy qualities, people have a natural attraction to her. But today, she was wearing her black skull sweater, a pink spiky necklace and hot pink toenail polish. She did indeed attract more attention than normal ;) This was okay with me because I want her to be very used to interacting with people. She's still shy, but coming along quite nicely.

As we walked along Main Avenue, we popped our heads into little boutiques. Every single store that we went to welcomed Roxy's presence with open arms. THANK GOD for Durango! I love how many dog-lovers this town has and I love how liberal the rules are with dogs. Every where we went, Roxy was allowed to come too. Some places even had dishes with dog treats and water sitting out for dog visitors. This makes it very easy to go shopping and socialize Roxy all at the same time.

The picture to the left is Alex and Roxy sitting in a dressing room. Roxy waited very patiently while each of us tried on clothes. We would take turns watching her while the other was in the dressing room.
I'm really glad that Roxy did well at this particular shop...Last time we came here she barfed in a corner of the store while I was browsing the sale rack. My first instinct was to look around to see if anyone saw it and run out of the store. But, my better judgment kicked in...I apologized and cleaned it myself. None-the-less they were happy to see her again and even happier to see that her stomach was settled on this visit.
Overall, a good weekend, and a happy puppy.
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