It's really hard to exercise dogs in a snowy climate. Generally, I like to rollerblade with Roxy on the river trail. After our last episode of uphill ice rollerblading (not fun), I decided we needed to get creative.

The sun was shining and Santa Rita Park was empty. Thomas and I took the dogs to romp around in the snow.

When we arrived there, we realized that one of the dogs had dropped the tennis ball out of the bed of the truck along the way. So we had an empty field, a chuck-it, and no tennis ball. Once again, we had to get creative. We decided to scoop up snowballs in the chuck-it, pack them down and throw them for the dogs. They went the same distance as the tennis ball, and the dogs still chased after them for a while.

But Guinness, being the smart dog he is, figured out after a while that he was getting ripped off. "What? There's not tennis ball! How could you deceive me?". But realizing that our resources were limited, he decided to play along. He would sprint after the snow ball with Roxy trailing behind, reach where it had landed, and come back with a face full of snow. Too cute!
When we go to the park, I generally have a hard time getting Roxy to exercise. She often gets distracted by the delicious dried leaves that cover the park or the sticks that are so fun to gnaw on. I finally figured out that she loves to be chased! I certainly got my exercise running around after her across the park. I've never seen her run so much or so fast. The pictures below show me chasing her. Can you spot the white puppy against the snow?
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